Wednesday 16 March 2011

Ill Effects on the Oil Spill Volunteers

By Ruth Caldon
Do you really want to help clean up the spill in the Gulf of Mexico and join the party of the oil spill volunteers? Many online articles have been documented regarding the numerous health hazards resulting from the oil spill that many experts have warned us, and now CNN has announced that the vast majority of cleaners that of the Exxon Valdez in 1989, Alaska, are now dead. In fact, an expert guest on the sets of CNN had said that the life expectancy of oil spill volunteers of the Exxon Valdez was only about 51 years. Since the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now immeasurably worse than the Exxon Valdez one, do you really want to volunteer to join the team of cleaners out there? After all, the American dream, not to enrich a few months in helping BP to clean up their mess and then drop dead 20 or 30 years earlier.
This topic in CNN is absolutely amazing. If it approaches the truth, then why would you participate in cleaning up the oil spill? The truth is that what we have in the Gulf of Mexico is a "toxic soup" containing oil, methane, benzene, hydrogen sulfide, and other noxious gases that dispersants very toxic as Corexit 9500. Breathing this stuff is harmful to health but the reality is that it will be decades before knowing the actual record of the impact of this accident on health. However, recent reports are not positive based on the work done by the oil spill volunteers.
A large number of oil-spill volunteers cleaning up the disaster of BP in the Gulf of Mexico are already reporting they suffer from symptoms similar to influenza. According to another new report, the result of exposure to the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico caused 162 cases of illnesses reported to the Ministry of Health in Louisiana. In addition, according to local news station in Pensacola, Florida, "400 people sought medical care for upper respiratory tract infections and low, headaches, nausea and irrational eye after trips to the beach Escambia County".
This situation deserves to be watched carefully by everybody. However, it is not that the oil-spill volunteers cleaning up the spill and going to the beach that have reported these threats to health. So what can we deduce from all this? Well, it is perhaps too early, but once this crisis is over, it could be that the greatest tragedy of the story is havoc on health has caused the spill. If the spill of the Exxon Valdez is an indication in itself, many oil spill volunteers will eventually die early. It is high time the oil spill volunteers were given some kind of protection for the hard work that they do.
Ruth Caldon - EzineArticles Expert Author