Thursday 27 January 2011

Venus, Could This Be The Earth's Future?

The importance of alternative energies has been expressed time and time again. Many believe that the greenhouse effect is the cause of global warming, and many don't. In order to better understand the subject, studying other planets in our solar system is something to be considered.
In our solar system, Venus is the hottest planet, but it's defiantly not the closest to the sun. One would think that the planet closest to the sun would be hottest, but to the surprise of many, this isn't the case. As a matter of fact, Venus is second closest to the sun, Mercury being the first. The reason to Venus's high temperature is due to the abundant amount of greenhouse gases found on the planet.
The sun gives off radiation, and these rays are absorbed by Venus. Usually, a fair amount of these sun rays would be deflected and sent back out into space. Due to Venus's dense atmosphere, many of the these rays are trapped, and thus causing the planet to warmup (global warming, but on Venus). The vast amounts of Carbon dioxide and acid in the Venus's atmosphere act almost as mirrors that keep in solar rays. Temperatures on Venus can reach up to 870 degrees F making it impossible for any life on earth to survive, well, except some sorts of bacteria.
Greenhouse gases are caused by the burning of fossil fuels, deforesting, automobile exhausts, and the burning of wood. These actions release excessive carbon, and methane, and as a result they, slowly reduce the amount of heat the Earth is able to deflect.
So basically, if we continue to burn fossil fuels, cut down forests, and rely on dirty energy solutions, the earth may end up resembling Venus. Earth can never become as hot as Venus due to the difference in solar position, but it may become hot enough to discourage any life on earth. Higher temperatures means that we run a risk of water evaporating from our planet, which will result in less plants, which means less oxygen, which means less forms of life. In the worst situation, earth will become an inhabitable waste land.
Venus is a good example as to the future of our planet unless actions are taken, we can fairly easily stop our abundant greenhouse gases by taking simple precautions and doing more to utilize clean energies. Our planet is unique in every way, there are billions of planets in the universe, but none like earth. Do your part in keeping our home green. Your Online Eco-Friendly Super Store