By Thad B 
The debate about Forex automatic trading versus Forex manual trading has been raging on for many years, and for a long time, the human Forex trader was king. There has been some major shifts in the balance of power in recent years, mainly because of how accessible it is for people to develop Forex expert advisors without the need for expensive development software.
With the acceleration of technology and the rapid growth of the Forex expert advisors industry, Forex robot traders have finally reached the level where they can rival and even better the performance of human Forex traders. By the end of this article, you will see the huge advantages that the best Forex systems have over their human counterparts, and why that translates to bigger trading profits in your Forex trading account.
There are two key characteristics of Forex robot traders that place them head and shoulders above any human Forex trader:
1. The Ability To Process Multiple Trading Indicators Simultaneously
It's a well known fact that our minds can only consciously process seven bits of data at once. That means that any human Forex trader is at a huge disadvantage when it comes to handling even a few trading indicators at once, not to mention that their decision making capacity is hindered by emotions like fear, greed and impatience.
The best Forex systems are completely objective and unemotional in processing dozens of trading indicators simultaneously, and then making a trading decision based on the data alone. The more trading indicators any trader, human or robot, has when making a trading decision will lead to more informed trading decisions and as a result, better trading performance.The few seconds quicker that the FX trading system makes the decision can lead to a difference of twenty or thirty pips in the final trade profit.
2. The Ability To Trade Multiple Currency Pairs Simultaneously
Another limitation of the human Forex trader is that he or she can only trade a certain amount of currency pairs at any given time. Once the Forex market hots up, there can be trade setup after trade setup on every major pair, so many in fact that is physically and mentally impossible for any human Forex trader to handle all of them.
The best Forex systems are not hampered by these limitations. Given the computing power and processing speed of our computers these days, it's a piece of cake for any FX trading system to buy and sell simultaneously across many different major currency pairs. It's obvious that the more currency pairs a FX trading system is applied to, the more trading profits it will make. That's how Forex robot traders can earn double or even triple the amount any human Forex trader could possibly make on the same level of risk.
With all things considered, it's obvious that Forex automatic trading is the future of Forex trading because it transcends all the limitations of a human Forex trader. With the recent boom in Forex trading, there has never been a better time to invest in Forex robot traders to shortcut your path to significant Forex profits without going through the painful learning curve that ever human Forex trader needs to go through.
Thad B. is a Professional Trading Systems Developer who has developed and managed dozens of profitable trading systems over the years for a private hedge fund. Forex trading systems are his passion and expertise, and he has a wealth of helpful resources available for any serious Forex systems trader. For an in depth guide on how to choose the best Forex Robot Trader to meet your financial goals, get his free report: The Truth About Forex Trading Systems. In it you'll discover how to make safe, consistent Forex profits... Even if you're completely new to trading! Article Source: |