By Travis Zdrazil

Shopping for oil spill containment booms should not be taken lightly. You could be saving thousands of dollars on fines, cleanup costs, and damage payments in the event of an oil spill accident. Your oil spill containment booms are your investment for contingencies. Find out everything you need to know before choosing oil spill containment booms.
You need a durable oil spill containment booms. Make sure that you can rely on the performance of your boom when you need it the most. Don't make cost as your main basis for determining a product. Aside from the cost, also weigh different factors such as durability, materials used, and overall performance. Durable booms have a tough outer mesh to protect the filter inside it. Make sure that the polypropylene filter will not shred into pieces.
Oil spill containment booms come in 10 foot to 20 foot fragments. These are connected using a carbon wire. Attaching fragments are needed when the oil spill consumes a large area. The good news is that you can easily attach and detach fragments easily with the connectors. It also makes retrieval of the boom effortless. You just have to pull the end of the link in order to retract the boom.
Containment is the main purpose of these booms. However, it is also designed to absorb oil spills or hydrocarbons spills such as gasoline, diesel, motor oil, jet fuel, hydraulic oils, kerosene, and fuel oils. There is a disclaimer on its limitations. It is not built to handle acid, aggressive fluids, or water based chemicals. Make sure you use it according to its purpose.
These booms are also known as sorbent booms, marine booms, marina booms, sea booms, ocean booms, or spill booms. It can be used both in land and in water. In sea, it has the ability to repel water allowing it to float. The booms are usually dropped in the oil spill and surround the spill by hauling the booms near the vessels to create an enclosure. In land, where spreading is much slower, it prevents contaminating the objects surrounding it. These objects can be assets of the company that may be damaged by the oil spill. It also prevents the possibility of spreading fire in case of ignition. With all the combusting materials around, you don't want to turn your oil spill into a fire crisis in the area.
Disposal of oil spill containment booms in an accident should follow a certain procedure. Since oil spill are toxic to the health of people and the environment, proper disposal should be part of any safety procedure in handling oil spills. Don't forget to bring plastic bags and drums on the oil spill area. Once the booms are heavily saturated with oil, place it inside a plastic bag. Wipe off any residue outside the plastic bag or you can double bag it. Carefully label the plastic bags on the type of contaminant it contains. Don't just let it sit on a dumpster for a long time. Either contact a waste disposal company or directly haul it to your local land fill.
You need a durable oil spill containment booms. Make sure that you can rely on the performance of your boom when you need it the most. Don't make cost as your main basis for determining a product. Aside from the cost, also weigh different factors such as durability, materials used, and overall performance. Durable booms have a tough outer mesh to protect the filter inside it. Make sure that the polypropylene filter will not shred into pieces.
Oil spill containment booms come in 10 foot to 20 foot fragments. These are connected using a carbon wire. Attaching fragments are needed when the oil spill consumes a large area. The good news is that you can easily attach and detach fragments easily with the connectors. It also makes retrieval of the boom effortless. You just have to pull the end of the link in order to retract the boom.
Containment is the main purpose of these booms. However, it is also designed to absorb oil spills or hydrocarbons spills such as gasoline, diesel, motor oil, jet fuel, hydraulic oils, kerosene, and fuel oils. There is a disclaimer on its limitations. It is not built to handle acid, aggressive fluids, or water based chemicals. Make sure you use it according to its purpose.
These booms are also known as sorbent booms, marine booms, marina booms, sea booms, ocean booms, or spill booms. It can be used both in land and in water. In sea, it has the ability to repel water allowing it to float. The booms are usually dropped in the oil spill and surround the spill by hauling the booms near the vessels to create an enclosure. In land, where spreading is much slower, it prevents contaminating the objects surrounding it. These objects can be assets of the company that may be damaged by the oil spill. It also prevents the possibility of spreading fire in case of ignition. With all the combusting materials around, you don't want to turn your oil spill into a fire crisis in the area.
Disposal of oil spill containment booms in an accident should follow a certain procedure. Since oil spill are toxic to the health of people and the environment, proper disposal should be part of any safety procedure in handling oil spills. Don't forget to bring plastic bags and drums on the oil spill area. Once the booms are heavily saturated with oil, place it inside a plastic bag. Wipe off any residue outside the plastic bag or you can double bag it. Carefully label the plastic bags on the type of contaminant it contains. Don't just let it sit on a dumpster for a long time. Either contact a waste disposal company or directly haul it to your local land fill.
Need more information about oil spill containment booms? We have the most competitive prices, up-to-date articles, information, and tips available at