BP oil spill
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BP's Gulf oil spill compensation fund is not independent, rules Louisiana court
3 Feb 2011: After judge's ruling that the BP oil spill fund is 'not completely neutral or independent', lawyer warns that compensated victims could reopen cases7 comments
- Interactive: This graphical timeline explains the technology behind BP's attempts to end the leak
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- Video: The special relationship | Patrick Blower (1min 20sec)
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- 25 Feb 2011: Appearance of 29 newborn corpses on Gulf of Mexico's shores prompts government investigation into cause of deaths
- 14 Feb 2011:Baldwin claims he was duped into selling shares in 'Costner solution' just as BP was agreeing to invest heavily
3 Feb 2011: After judge's ruling that the BP oil spill fund is 'not completely neutral or independent', lawyer warns that compensated victims could reopen cases7 comments
- 3 Feb 2011: The Gulf of Mexico should recover from the massive BP oil spill by the end of 2012, the administrator of the compensation fund says26 comments
- 2 Feb 2011: In 2006, the oil group was prosecuted for driving up the price of propane in the US. It had to pay about $300 million to settle the charges
- 1 Feb 2011: The group has made its first annual loss since 1992 after setting aside $41bn to cover its oil spill costs but will still pay a dividend to shareholders38 comments
1 Feb 2011:
Alex Hannaford: Should we be surprised that BP's tweets attempt to put a positive spin on the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon spill?26 comments- 1 Feb 2011: Terry Macalister: BP's rush to chum up to Kremlin-controlled Rosneft is spirited – but it would be wise to focus on safer prospects closer to home50 comments
- 30 Jan 2011: Promise of BP payouts to investors undermined by threat from Russian partner in TNK-BP4 comments
30 Jan 2011: Bob Dudley, BP chief executive, will reassure investors that the $39bn provision for spill-related costs will be more than enough7 comments
- 24 Jan 2011: Oil services company boosts revenue despite 'systemic failures' in Deepwater Horizon drilling disaster5 comments
- 17 Jan 2011: As oil and gas reserves become harder to access, the British group is turning to high-stakes joint ventures
17 Jan 2011:
Leaked comments suggest that BP sees Rosneft as its long-term partner, not TNK-BP, according to cables obtained by WikiLeaks11 comments
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